Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Falling by the Wayside

In today's economic times many reached out to touch the gold ring of Internet Marketing as an answer to their problems. The rate of failure of these inspired people is very high.

Some stop because they never had a good plan to follow, other's stop because they found it was not as easy as most enticement ads stated. Some stop when they find out it is hard work taking many hours of work each day with payday's far down the road.

All these reasons are fine reason's if they are understood in light of the individual goals. Any effort started without a solid understanding of the task ahead is subject to failure. Money does not fall off trees, roll down the hill or drop from the sky as some marketing ads lead potential customers to believe.

Money can be made. It probably will take longer than expected to see the first check or deposit. It will probably be smaller than anticipated also but those two events serve as support to pump up a potentially slowing effort.

Take a few minutes to visit our website to see if we can help you define a plan or pump up a discouraged effort.

Keep out of the Bone yard.



Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Sign Post Ahead

The line of people slowly marching toward the Bone Yard grows longer each day. Oh, there are those who attempt to reduce or stop this flow of former Internet Marketers but let's get real, these people have decided to go.

There are two leaders in Internet Marketing that are vocal opponents to the alure of the Bone Yard. They speak effectively about success but more importantly demonstrate how to make it work. The tips, the techniques the step by step activities you can follow for success. Just do not give up. Then again, ......

.....Forget it, Relax for a While.

Grab a beer, turn on the ball game or better yet, grab the sticks and head to the course with your buddies or girl friends and have some fun. Money is over rated as a medium of entertainment anyway. Remember the feeling when your driver kisses the sweet spot and the ball rips down the fairway. You don't look, you don't have to, you know where that drive is going.

OK, Stop, Take Another Breath

Maybe, just maybe you might do another drive, this time by PotPieGirl and Wealthy Affiliate. What's to lose? Take another look around, maybe you are still want to get out the door, maybe you don't, at least do yourself a favor and check the PPG and WA logo's before you leave.

Then if you finally give up you will do so with company that hates that decision. These folks that will be sorry you gave up, will do all they can help you change your mind but that decision is yours. You have to decide what you are going to do? Maybe, it's not a bad idea to stay around awhile to see the results of all your work and effort.

Tomorrow you might say, "What do you mean, a sale? Really I made a sale? Wow!"

Maybe there is hope after all but just don't get cocky. The Bone Yard awaits those who do. If you decide to hang around take a look at the free booklet, Avoid the BoneYard.